Monday, November 2, 2009


My grandpa, when he was alive, was known amongst my family for his poems... Lately for some bizarre reason I have had this urge to write some... I don't know why... Maybe its because I've had an onslaught of emotions and its a way for me to express myself... I don't know... but I thought I'd write down my most recent...

-This oppressed rest...
It's more than I can bare...
I try to fight it, claw at it, tear...

To no avail...
This monster is stronger than I...
I'm afraid he might prevail...

-He is the almighty, the one that knows all...
The one that is there to catch you when you fall...
No matter the struggle, no matter the sin...
He'll always be there to help you become whole again...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Getting Ready for the mission...

So today I went in to get my t.b. shot for my mission papers... The lady sat me in the chair, and pulled out this huge needle... (well huge for a t.b. shot) I know because I've had one before... She then proceeds to shove the needle between the layers of my skin... At first I'm going 'Oh... its not soo bad.' when the next thing I realize is that she begins to then pull the needle upward toward my upper layer of skin... Ripping, and pulling the other layers of skin as she does so... Oh my, I had never had anything shoved in me, hurt so bad.... Until I went to the health department, and had to get a tetinus booster... Boy the tetinus shot made the t.b. test seem like a walk in the park... I swear the lady peirced the and embedded the needle into the bone... All I can say is that if nothing else gets a missionary ready for his mission, the whole medical process does... What a day with the nurses!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So, I decided that blogging is really hard and that anyone who can do it must really truely be geniouses. Or maybe im just too old fashioned and used to the sites, like myspace, facebook, who do all the creative stuff for you. Megan sorry to say that its not all that its cracked up to be. If there is anyone who would like to take pity on a poor person, and give them a blogging 101 course it would be greatly appreciated.